Threading my way through life
My wife, Natalie, is often justifiably irritated with me for playing games on my phone. I tend to offer the somewhat lame excuse that I have trouble shutting down. That’s not entirely untrue, but it doesn’t make my compulsion any more acceptable.
One of the games I became addicted to is Wordscapes by PeopleFun, which is sort of a mash-up of Boggle and Crossword.
About eighteen months ago at a time when I was trying to figure out what I wanted next in life, I was cruising through the puzzles and I came to Level 705. As I began finding the words, I was stunned by the message I saw appearing before me. I took a screenshot of the relevant part of the puzzle. It told me: Retire. Write. Rewrite. (I think that one was planted there by my future editor.) And, become a Writer.
So, in the Q&A, I truthfully answered the question about why I wrote Existential Thread. But, as with all other threads, there was more to the story.
I’m convinced there are signs all around us each day that point us toward our destinies. We simply need to tune into them.