A good friend of mine, who is a physician, asked me a fair question while I was writing Existential Thread. Is it possible for an artificial life form to actually have DNA? I admit that it sounds pretty far-fetched. But, once again, science has proven to be weirder than sci-fi.
Two separate articles published last year documented the fact that scientists created synthetic DNA that contain extra letters and bacteria with a synthetic genome.
The first, published by ( explains that in addition to the four natural nitrogenous bases (A, T, G and C), researchers developed four synthetically-made nucleotide bases (P, B, Z and S). And importantly, the DNA was able to copy its information to the RNA.
The second was reported by the NY Times on May 15, 2019 ( Like the LifeScience article, this one is above my pay grade, but I was fascinated by the reference to the fact that synthetic genomes could offer the potential to recode DNA making cells immune to invasion by a specific virus. Perhaps a tantalizing thought as other scientists today are scrambling to combat COVID-19.
So, yes. Way!