The game is afoot!

Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes borrowed that phrase from Shakespeare, so I don’t feel badly for borrowing it from Doyle/Holmes because it so aptly applies to what’s happening now. What in the world do I mean? Ha! Elementary, my dear reader.

Thanks to the sleuthing of dear friends, Susan and Greg, we recently learned the Ritz has announced plans to build a new hotel, villas and condos on St. Kitts! Our immediate response to that news was to book another trip to St. Kitts, which remains our top choice for an island home. We won’t be able to be there until this fall and will continue our journey in the interim, but I have to admit I feel like a kid who’s just been given a knowing wink by Santa. Patience is the key.

And, as if that weren’t enough, Natalie finished reading A Dog’s Tale (my working title) and gave me a big thumbs up. Unlike my first two books, which I self-published with the excellent help of Lanier Press, I am wanting to go the traditional publishing route with this book. So, step one is to find the right agent to help me pitch it. Well, the step before step one is to write the query letter to potential agent candidates, but that’s done and the game is afoot!

Stay tuned!


Our journey, Chapter 16: I choose door number one. No, three! Two!!


Our journey, Chapter 15: Headwinds…