Our journey, Chapter 1: Patience is the key

I miss our daughter, Erin, every day.  Can’t tell you the number of times I’ve wanted to ask her opinion on something or ask her a question.  Now, I have still another reason.

Natalie recently looked at me and said, “It’s your turn.”  That simple phrase was code for, “You’ve wanted to live in the Caribbean for years.  It’s time for us to do it.”


First things first.  We sold our home in Georgia.  But, which island?  Condo or house?  What if we get “island fever”?  In addition to housing related issues, basic needs include food, clothing, medicine, transportation and many other things we sometimes take for granted.  So, deciding “where” also depends on these various “what abouts”. 

That realization led us to plan several extended stays in several locations over the next few months to try to answer these important questions.

When we announced our expedition, a good friend, Sean, suggested I write a blog about our adventures.  I haven’t written since we lost Erin, but Sean’s thought combined with Natalie’s urging me to again exercise my writing muscle resonated. 

As I warmed to the idea of publishing my blog, I realized I would need to make changes to my website to create a permission marketing campaign.  While I’ve created web pages before and can make simple changes to my site, I soon understood I needed help.  Erin originally created my website.  If I could only ask her for her help…

I’m certain I could figure out how to do what is needed, but I’d rather get help than run the risk of screwing up the process.

So, to those who have been asking me why I haven’t yet posted, forgive me.  I’ll have it up and running soon.

In the meantime, I’ll begin to capture our journey and blast out several posts once the site has been readied.

Oh yeah.  I’ve had a couple of ideas for additional books floating around in my head for the last three years.  As long as I’m typing, I might as well flesh them out.  

One is an historical fiction about someone born January 1, 1900 who is turning one hundred January 1, 2000.  What an incredible century!  (Erin may have already given me her opinion when she got a small tattoo: 20thC.)  This would be a fantastic opportunity for me to take advantage of my geeky interest in history.  It’s a neat story,

The other is about a guy who is putting a slideshow together for his wife when he gets sucked into a ripple in time that allows him to relive (and perhaps change) the past.  I love the ending of this one. 

We’ll see which one moves me more.

Stay tuned!


Our journey, Chapter 2: Fifty years in fifty days


God is always with us